Wednesday, October 26, 2011

September-October 2011

These are out of order. Bryce's birthday was first--I included pictures of Monica, and Trinity and Aiden.
Then Paige celebrated her birthday at Red Robin, Cracker Barrel in Myrtle Beach, at the condo in Myrtle Beach, and with cousins in Virginia--presents from her other grandparents.
Ending with Patty's night.

Beads and balloon.

Paige and birthday #1 at Red Robin.

Paige at Red Robin.

Aiden-Trnity's brother.

Bryce at his birthday party!

Flashless picture of Monica!

Trinity--Eric & Jenni's foster girl.

Isabella, Paige & Bryce.

Birthday celebration #4 back in Virginia!

Welcome to North Myrtle Beach--

hometown of Vanna White!!


Birthday #3 at the condo in Myrtle Beach!

Happy baby!

Purple golf clubs!

A store for Anne--all purple!

First merry-go-round ride!

First time on the beach at Myrtle Beach.

Paige, ready for travel.

Isabella's new hair cut.

Bryce in beads and lei!

Bryce's favorite spot--the corner cupboard!

Paige and her beads!

Patty's announcement and her standing next to the "Wall of Fame"

Patty with her flowers.

Patty, the Dean & a friend.

Beautiful fall leaves!